A Sociopath can kill again

I looked outside through the window. It was getting late, and I needed to get home as fast as I could. It had been a long day and my family might get worried and think something happened to me. I placed the report on my doctors' desk and sprinted out of the room. I looked up at the sky. It was starting to drizzle. I ignored the rain, since it was only a faint specks of water. I ran into my car and got into it. I drove home cautiously, since our neighborhoods' crime rate had oddly grown since the past month. When I got home, it had stopped raining. I took out the key to the door when I got to the front step but before I opened the door I noticed a letter that was gently placed onto the 'Welcome' carpet outside the door. I picked it up, and went inside the house. The house was very dark, so I went to turn on the light that was next to the door, but it didn't work. "Ugh. I hate power outages." I rolled my eyes. I went back to my car to get my emergency flashlight. I couldn't find it. I went back inside the house, trying to make my way around the darkness when I bumped into my 15-year-old son, Davic. "Dad, is that you?" David whispered. "Yeah, David. Where's Kayla? I wanna tell your little sister that I'm home." I tried looking around for another light source around the windows where the light of the moon touched. "Yeah dad. She's in her room. She's not scared or anything, she's just blogging like a 13-year-old girl would." David pointed down the hall to her room. "I'll be in the kitchen looking for a lighter, dad." David headed to the kitchen. I started walking down the hallway when I saw her silhouette through her open bedroom door. "Dad?" She peered out of her room. I couldn't see her eyes clearly, the darkness must have been covering most of her face at the angle she was in. "Yeah, it's me honey." And suddenly, I remembered the letter I had picked up. "Just a second Kayla." I looked down at the letter in my hand, and I slowly opened it. I tried to make out most of the words in the moonlight outside the window. It appeared to be a health notice. It read:Dear Alex, your tests results appear to say that you are a Sociopath. I'm very sorry Alex, but it's true. I'll be sending you pills very soon but there's something else. Me and the other doctors think your on the verge of madness, but not to worry, we've thought of something. We scheduled you a therapist on May 3rd. I hope this helps. -Sincerely, James.I couldn't believe it. "Me? A Sociopath? That's very hard to believe." I laughed. I crumbled up the letter and harshly threw it on the floor. "Dad! I found a matchbox! It's not a lighter, but it works!" David came running down the hall, almost ramming into the wall. "Thank you, David." I took the matchbox from his hand and put it in my pocket. I walked into Kayla's room. "Kayla? Kayla?" She was nowhere to be seen. I turned around. She had unraveled the letter and was reading it. She looked up at me with a terrified face. "Dad..?" She backed up slowly. "Kayla... I can explain..." I slowly got closer to her. She swiftly ran part me and avoided my attempt to grab her. She rain into the bedroom where me and my wife, Jennifer slept. I could hear Kayla grasp at the sight of her mother, who had been slaughtered last night. David and I followed her into the bedroom. I slowly removed the matches from my pocket while David and Kayla were still in full shock. I started lighting a few matches while I slowly crept out of the premises. Kayla turned around, her eyes soaked with tears and her head facing the hard wood floor. She started laughing maniacally. She looked up at me, and I finally could see her eyes clearly. They weren't her usual emerald green color. They were black. Jet black. She jumped onto me and I was pinned to the floor. She was oddly stronger than she was before. She fiercely pulled the matches out of my hand and quickly lit them. She threw the lit matches onto the floor and ran off through the front door into the night. Since today I've pondered.. Why would James think I was a Sociopath? I've never heard any thoughts that I was in higher a higher rank than anybody else. No. But still... Kayla never had a test taken on her. So it couldn't be a mix up. It just couldn't. And yes, our house burned down from the five matches she had thrown down, but me and David survived it without suffocating from the smoke. But I know for a fact, Kayla killed her mother. But why...?